Executive programme for tackling paramilitary activity and organised crime
The Executive Programme on Paramilitarism and Organised Crime (EPPOC) is an ambitious, multi-disciplinary and transformational change programme working to deliver the NI Executive’s priority of addressing the challenging issues associated with paramilitarism in Northern Ireland.
The Programme focuses on stopping harm in the here and now as well as putting in place early interventions to ensure future generations are not exploited or traumatised through paramilitary coercion, control and violence.
Support is delivered collaboratively by government departments, statutory agencies and partners in the voluntary and community sector. The Programme uses a public health approach to violence reduction and is on a journey to be trauma-responsive and informed in everything it does. It draws heavily on a mix of data, expert local knowledge and international best practice to deliver innovative multi-agency initiatives.
The Programme’s projects draw on expertise, data and knowledge from lots of disciplines. Some projects prevent harm before it occurs, some aim to deal with harm immediately as it is happening – to stabilise the situation and prevent it worsening, and some projects are about reducing the long-term impact of paramilitarism and organised crime.
To find out more about the Programme, it’s structure and the projects it supports, please visit www.endingtheharm.com/about-us

The Programme has operated since 2016 and is funded jointly by the NI Executive and UK Government. Phase 1, which ran to March 2021, focused on delivering 38 wide-ranging commitments in the original Executive Action Plan on paramilitarism, criminality and organised crime. A comprehensive review of the Programme took place in 2020, leading to a new phase of the Programme (Phase 2) that started in April 2021.
In September 2024, the NI Executive approved the extension of the Programme to 31 March 2027, upon which time the Programme will close.
To find out more about the background to the Programme, please visit www.endingtheharm.com/about-us
Scrutiny and Oversight
Cross-Executive governance and scrutiny structures ensure oversight from project through to strategic level (overseen by the Head of the Civil Service). The Programme is also scrutinised externally by the The Independent Reporting Commission (IRC), created under the Fresh Start Agreement to monitor progress on tackling paramilitary activity in Northern Ireland.
Programme finance
The Programme is funded jointly by the NI Executive and the United Kingdom Government.
In September 2024, the NI Executive approved the extension of the Programme to 31 March 2027, with a continued investment of £8m per year for the final 2 years of the Programme. The UK Government also confirmed funding of £8m for the Programme for the financial year 2025-26. The Programme will close in March 2027.
Public awareness campaigns
Ending the Harm is a series of hard-hitting public awareness campaigns that highlight organised crime and paramilitary activity and how this can have a devastating impact on victims, their families, local communities and wider society. The current campaign highlights a range of often ‘hidden’ harms that are perpetrated by paramilitary groups who are harming people throughout Northern Ireland.

For further information, visit the campaign website: Endingtheharm
Research and Evaluations
Data and research are at the heart of EPPOC and work is influenced and driven by knowledge and best practice. If you would like to find out more, there is a wide range of research reports contained on the Programme’s website: www.endingtheharm.com/about-us
Contact details
Email: eppoc@endingtheharm.info
Website: www.endingtheharm.com
X/ Twitter: Twitter @endingtheharm