Proposal for the revision of Northern Ireland Environment Agency Pollution Inventory reporting form.
Proposals to ban separately collected food waste from landfill and issues that may arise from banning separately collected food waste from landfill such as the need for alternative waste management infrastructure, funding and enforcement.
The Access to Justice Review recommended that work be taken forward to increase the standardisation of fees payable to the legal profession for work done under civil legal aid.
The Department has produced a guidance document for health and social care professionals on termination of pregnancy in Northern Ireland.
This consultation document sets out the key activities the Department for Employment and Learning proposes to support through the ESF Investment for Growth and Jobs Programme.
A wide-ranging public consultation on possible changes to employment law in Northern Ireland.
With the roll-out of automatic enrolment and the development of automatic transfers, it is more important than ever that workplace pensions deliver a good experience for all their members.
Proposals seeking views on property seizure which will result from the introduction of proposed new Regulations.
In 2013, DFP consulted on the proposed new Civil Service Compensation Scheme (Northern Ireland). This page provides documents relating to that consultation.
Proposals to introduce a taxi driver test for those wishing to enter the industry with periodic vocational training requirements for all drivers.
The Department of Enterprise Trade and Investment, in its role as Managing Authority of the current EU Sustainable Competitiveness Programme for Northern Ireland (2007-2013), has been asked by the Department of Finance and Personnel to...
Consultation on the department's policy and legislative proposals for a Bill to amend the Road Races (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 to provide race organisers with flexibility to introduce contingency arrangements where racing or practice may...
This consultation proposes options for reform to fees payable to solicitors and barristers under the Legal Aid for Crown Court Proceedings (Costs) Rules (Northern Ireland) 2005.
Proposed amendments to the existing F-gases Regulations for NI, which became law in 2009.
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) consulted on the Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014 – 2020. This consultation closed on Monday 21 October 2013
Following the independent review of the Common Funding Scheme, which determines how funds are allocated to schools, the Minister for Education, John O’Dowd, set out his proposals for changes to the Scheme.
The purpose of this consultation is to obtain views on the proposals set out in the draft Ballymoney town centre masterplan.
The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment is seeking views and comments on proposed amendments to the Gas (Applications for Licences and Extensions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1996 and the criteria against which licence applications are...
The purpose of this consultation is to obtain views on the regulations for business improvement districts in Northern Ireland.
HM Treasury announced, in its 2008 Pre-Budget Report, a separate independent Review of the Legislative Framework of Credit Unions and Industrial & Provident Societies (IPSs) in NI. In that review, HM Treasury recommended that the...