The Department of Health has announced the upcoming appointment of a new Chief Allied Health Professions Officer for Northern Ireland.
Ms Michelle Tennyson will take up the post from January 2024. Michelle is the current Deputy Director for Allied Health Professionals within the Public Health Agency in NI.
Michelle qualified as a podiatrist in 1995 and has experience working in Health and Social Care Trusts, Public Health, Commissioning and Performance Management.
Welcoming Michelle to the post, Chief Nursing Officer Maria McIlgorm said: “I am delighted to announce that Michelle Tennyson has been successfully appointed as the new Chief AHP Officer.
“Michelle brings with her a wealth of experience and knowledge that will help transform AHP services in Northern Ireland.
“The Chief AHP Officer role is an important leadership position within the Department of Health and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Michelle on her appointment and I look forward to working with her in the near future.”
Ms Tennyson said: “I am delighted and excited to be appointed as the Chief AHP Officer. While there are many challenges I firmly believe the key to transformative change is to enhance relationships through collaboration.
“I will advocate for the full utilisation of AHP skills and promote innovations that place people at the heart of everything we do, making experiences personal and compassionate.”
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