24749 publications
Workforce policy guidance 2009
Workforce policy directorate guidance documents for 2009.
North Eastern River Basin Management Plan 2009 to 2015 summary
North Eastern River Basin Management Plan Summary 2009-2015
North Western River Basin Management Plan 2009 to 2015
North Western River Basin Management Plan summary 2009-2015
Neagh Bann River Basin Management Plan 2009 to 2015
Neagh Bann River Basin Management Plan summary 2009-2015
Neagh Bann River Basin Management Plan Summary - 2009
River basin planning takes an integrated approach to the protection, improvement and sustainable use of the water environment. It applies to groundwater (underground water) and to all surface water bodies, including rivers, lakes, transitional (estuarine)...
North Eastern River Basin Management Plan Summary - 2009
The Plan has been developed with input from a wide range of statutory agencies, non government organisations, private individuals and companies. It says where the water environment needs to be protected or improved, the timeframe...
North Western River Basin Management Plan Summary - 2009
The Plan has been developed with input from a wide range of statutory agencies, non government organisations, private individuals and companies. It says where the water environment needs to be protected or improved, the timeframe...
Sequentially flashing road lamps at road works or obstructions
Traffic sign authorisation for the placing of sequentially flashing lamps to guide traffic through road works sites or past obstructions of the carriageway caused by accidents, vehicle breakdowns or other incidents.
Programme of Measures - Abstraction and Flow Regulation - 2009
Abstraction refers to the process where water is removed from a surface water or groundwater body, either permanently or temporarily (for example, water can be temporarily diverted and then returned elsewhere within the same system)...
Programme of Measures - Agriculture - 2009
Agriculture and food processing is an important industry in Northern Ireland and the sector accounts for 3.5% of total added value in Northern Ireland’s economy. There are currently 26,100 farm businesses in Northern Ireland, of...
Programme of Measures - Collection and Treatment of Sewage - 2009
Northern Ireland Water (NIW ) is the sole provider of water sewerage services in Northern Ireland. Every year NIW collects 133 million tonnes of wastewater from 660,000 businesses and households.
Programme of Measures - Fisheries - 2009
Many fish species in inland and transitional (estuarine) waters support commercial and recreational fisheries. The commercial fisheries for salmon, trout, eels and pollan have declined in recent years and although angling remains a major participation...
Programme of Measures - Forestry - 2009
The fundamental importance of forests is now recognised globally in appreciation of their capacity to provide many social, economic and environmental benefits. Forest and woodland cover now accounts for just over 6% of Northern Ireland’s...
Programme of Measures - Freshwater Morphology - 2009
Many of Northern Ireland’s rivers and lakes have a history of engineering interventions which have had an important role in the growth of the economy. Embankments, erosion protection and dredging have allowed urban development and...
Programme of Measures - Industry and Other Business - 2009
Northern Ireland has traditionally had an industrial economy, most notably in shipbuilding and textiles. The food and drink sector is now Northern Ireland’s largest manufacturing industry. The sector employs over 18,000 people with over 330...
Programme of Measures - Invasive Alien Species - 2009
Alien species or, as they are sometimes known, non-native species are animals and plants that have been introduced, either intentionally or unintentionally, outside their natural range. Many of these alien species live in harmony with...
Programme of Measures - Marine Morphology - 2009
There are many morphological pressures on the marine environment around Northern Ireland. Our ports play an important role in transporting goods in and out of the country. In 2006, approximately 25 million tonnes of goods...
Programme of Measures - Urban Development - 2009
Whilst this section is entitled urban development it is equally relevant to development in what are primarily rural areas.
Programme of Measures - Waste - 2009
Waste disposal sites (including old un-lined landfills) may produce lesser discharges to waters than wastewater treatment plants and industries, but residues or waste products from previous activities may have seeped into the ground and continue...
Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Water Framework Directive River Basin Management Plans and Programmes of Measures - Neagh Bann iRBD - 2009
This Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Statement has been prepared as part of the SEA of the River Basin Management Plan (RBMP), and its associated Programme of Measures (POM), for the Northern Ireland portion of the...