24749 publications
A2 Sydenham Bypass - stage 2 scheme assessment report preferred options report
The stage 2 scheme assessment report identifies the factors taken into account in choosing alternative routes or improvement schemes and identifies the environmental, engineering, economic and traffic advantages and constraints associated with those routes or...
Northern Ireland municipal waste management statistics April to June 2009 quarterly report
This is a quarterly publication which contains provisional figures for April to June 2009 on the key measurements of municipal waste for district councils and waste management groups in Northern Ireland.
Safety of Sports Grounds: Information Circular 02/2009: Commencement of Certification Scheme
The purpose of this Information Circular was to advise district councils of the date of commencement of remaining Articles of The Safety of Sports Grounds (Northern Ireland) Order 2006 not yet in operation, fees and...
Groundwater Regulatory Guidance
Groundwater Regulatory Guidance
Northern Ireland road and rail transport statistics April to June 2009
This quarterly bulletin presents information on vehicle registrations, vehicle and driver testing, use of public transport and deliveries of petroleum in Northern Ireland.
Dear IP letter 28
The following issues are dealt with in this letter:-
Guidance on discharge protocol
This circular sets out the process for managing patient choice on discharge from hospital.
Bamford Review Action Plan (2009-11)
The response of the Northern Ireland Executive to the Bamford Review of Mental Health and Learning Disability.
Guidance for business on the Provision of Services Regulations
This guidance document is aimed at businesses and advisers who are involved in the service industry, with the main exceptions of financial services, electronic communications, transport, temporary work agencies, healthcare, audiovisual, gambling, and social services.It...
Guidance in the preparation of port master plans
Guidance on the preparation of Ports Master Planning, setting out a best practice framework to ensure an informed and balanced approach is taken to port development.
Education (Pupil Reporting) Regulations 2009
These regulations re-enact certain existing duties on the principals of all grant-aided schools, and introduce new requirements in support of the revised curriculum and assessment arrangements, in relation to the reporting of pupils’ educational and...
Research reports 2009 - Audit of counselling and therapeutic interventions in primary and special schools
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) was commissioned in November 2008 by the Department of Education to carry out an audit of counselling services and other therapeutic interventions in primary and special schools in the North of Ireland...
Northern Ireland Road Safety Monitor 2009 annual report
The Northern Ireland Road Safety Monitor Report covers behaviour, attitudes and awareness of road safety issues among the general public in Northern Ireland. The main topics covered within this report include drinking and driving, mobile...
Register of Plans and Programmes in the Neagh Bann River Basin District - 2009
Ten planning topics have been identified as significant for the Neagh Bann River Basin District. These are land use planning, agriculture, water supply and treatment, waste management, natural heritage, forestry, fisheries, coastal, flooding and climate...
Register of Plans and Programmes in the North Eastern River Basin District - 2009
Ten planning topics have been identified as significant for the Neagh Bann River Basin District. These are land use planning, agriculture, water supply and treatment, waste management, natural heritage, forestry, fisheries, coastal, flooding and climate...
Register of Plans and Programmes in the North Western River Basin District - 2009
Ten planning topics have been identified as significant for the Neagh Bann River Basin District. These are land use planning, agriculture, water supply and treatment, waste management, natural heritage, forestry, fisheries, coastal, flooding and climate...
Strategic Regulatory Impact Assessment of Water Framework Directive Draft River Basin Management Plans 2009
This strategic Regulatory Impact Assessment (sRIA) concerns the additional measures identified as part of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) for Northern Ireland.The primary focus of the WFD is to achieve...
Strategic Regulatory Impact Assessment of Water Framework Directive Draft River Basin Management Plans Summary Report 2009
This is a Summary Report produced in addition to the Full Strategic Regulatory Impact Assessment. All further details and background are provided within the Full report.
Exception reporting data 2008/09
This bulletin and tables present quality and outcomes framework (QOF) exception reporting data.
Report of the STEM review
The report of the STEM review considers the education system in the context of a STEM artery and identifies the constraints and losses at each stage in the artery.