24749 publications
A2 Shore Road Greenisland - stage 2 scheme assessment report
The stage 2 scheme assessment report identifies the factors taken into account in choosing alternative routes or improvement schemes and identifies the environmental, engineering, economic and traffic advantages and constraints associated with those routes or...
Letters and advice on the regulation of medicines 2006
Letters and advice on the regulation of medicines issued 2006
Research reports 2006 - development of inclusive schools in Northern Ireland : a model of best practice
The main aim of the study was to investigate existing practices that increase the motivation, participation and achievement of children and young people of school age with special educational needs in mainstream nursery, primary, post-primary...
Insolvency Service Annual Report 2005
The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment is required to prepare an annual general report under Article 372 of the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 on matters within the Insolvency Order. The Department is also...
European Council Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006
European Council Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 of 27 July 2006 on the European Fisheries Fund
Confidentiality and disclosure of information
This Code of Practice sets out guidance on the confidentiality of information held by General Practitioner contractors who provide General Medical Services (GMS) and Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS). It also sets out guidance on...
Key issues highlighted by PAC - 2006
Guidance issued by DFP in 2006 in relation to key issues and general lessons of wider application to NICS and public sector contained in PAC Reports and DFP MOR.
Infection control nursing in Northern Ireland strategy (2006-9)
Documents relating to the strategy for infection control nursing in Northern Ireland.
Delivering Tomorrow's Libraries
A publication on the principles and priorities for the development of public libraries in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Seat Belt Survey Report April 2006
The 2006 NI Seat Belt Survey reports on the level of seat belt wearing in Northern Ireland with the majority of this report concentrating on seatbelt wearing rates in cars only.
Northern Ireland Legal Needs Survey 2006
Northern Ireland Legal Needs Survey report and statistical annex that was completed by Tony Dignan on behalf of the Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission. The overall aim of the research was to enable the Commission...
Northern Ireland planning statistics April 2005 - March 2006
Report on the volume of planning applications received and decisions issued in 2005/06. Includes geographic detail at the Local Government District and the Assembly Constituency.
Unauthorised encampments guide
This Guide to The Unauthorised Encampments (NI) Order 2005 (the Order) has been prepared for the information of public authorities or other parties that may be involved in dealing with issues relating to unauthorised encampments.
Northern Ireland road and rail transport statistics January to March 2006
This quarterly bulletin presents information on vehicle registrations, vehicle and driver testing, use of public transport and deliveries of petroleum in Northern Ireland.
FE Means Business
The consultation document “Further Education Means Business” (February 2004) set out the findings of an extensive review of further education in Northern Ireland, togetherwith policy proposals for the future of the sector.
Pharmacy inspector newsletters June 2006 - June 2015
Pharmacy inspector newsletters cover a range of key regulatory issues which reflect matters raised by or with the Inspectors during the inspection process
Our Children and Young People Ten Year Strategy
The aim of this strategy is to ensure that by 2016 all our children and young people are fulfilling their potential. We want those who are doing well to continue to do well.
Circular 2006/17 - Leadership group pay structure from 1 September 2005
This determination gives effect in law to changes to the Leadership Group Pay Structure from 1 September 2005.
Reform programme for primary and community care services
Primary care strategy policy papers on integrated working, nurse led discharge and in-reach, case management and intermediate care/community rehabilitation
School leavers - 2004/05 statistical bulletin
This statistical bulletin presents an analysis of the GCSE and A-level qualifications and destinations of pupils leaving post-primary schools in 2004/05.