24850 publications
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan - Coastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Habitats
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan - Calcareous Grassland
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Habitats
Anti Bullying Policy for Children’s Homes
All settings in which children are provided with services or are living away from home should have in place, policy and procedures to respond and protect children from bullying
A6 Randalstown to Toome - documents and exhibition material from community information event (February 2005)
Two day exhibition held 15 and 16 February 2005 in Toome House, Toomebridge. Representatives from the department and their consultants were present to answer questions and to provide assistance to members of the general public.
Schedule of accommodation for colleges of further and higher education
A document issued, providing guidelines for colleges to ascertain best use of space within their estates
Key Stage 2 workbooks
Key stage 2 worksheets relating to the Peacemaze at Castlewellan Forest Park
Promoting a dignified workplace
A policy statement and code of practice on measures to combat bullying and harrassment of teaching staff in schools.
Parking Standards
This document sets out the parking standards that the Department will have regard to in assessing proposals for new development. It includes parking standards for residential development previously published in ‘Creating Places – Achieving Quality...
Northern Ireland road and rail transport statistics July to September 2004
This quarterly bulletin presents information on vehicle registrations, vehicle and driver testing, use of public transport and deliveries of petroleum in Northern Ireland.
Geography for Key Stages 3 and 4
This support pack is primarily intended to both inform and support teachers of Key Stage 3 and 4 pupils who choose to study forestry as part of their current or future teaching programme.
Letters and urgent communications archive
Relevant letters containing advice form the Chief Medical Officer to health professionals for the period of 2000-2004
Economic appraisal of forest policy
The economic appraisal examines the options for forest policy in Northern Ireland. It takes account of preferences expressed in the responses to the consultation paper "Forestry in Northern Ireland" published in June 2002. The appraisal...
Options for Forestry 2004
The paper sets out the broad direction of forestry policy and identifies six key questions where the Forest Service wishes to consult publicly about the future direction of a forestry strategy for Northern Ireland.
Land acquisition - acquisition procedures RSPPG S029
DfI Roads policy and procedure guide to the acquisition of land for all roads purposes.
Heritage gardens inventory
Inventory of the Heritage Gardens of Northern Ireland.
Circular 2004/19 - Increases to teachers' pay and allowances
This determination gives effect in law to an increase of 2.5% in salary rates from 1 April 2004, and a further 2.5% from 1 April 2005, topped up to 3.25% from 1 September 2005.
A1 Beech Hill to Cloghogue - environmental statement (volume 1 environmental assessment)
The environmental statement is a detailed report of the findings of the environmental impact assessment process. In particular, it predicts the environmental effects that the proposed scheme would have, and details the measures proposed to...
A1 Beech Hill to Cloghogue - environmental statement (volume 2 appendices)
The environmental statement is a detailed report of the findings of the environmental impact assessment process. In particular, it predicts the environmental effects that the proposed scheme would have, and details the measures proposed to...
A1 Beech Hill to Cloghogue - environmental statement (volume 3 drawings)
The environmental statement is a detailed report of the findings of the environmental impact assessment process. In particular, it predicts the environmental effects that the proposed scheme would have, and details the measures proposed to...
Belfast Metropolitan Transport Plan
A local transport plan for the Belfast Metropolitan Area (BMA). The Plan takes forward the strategic initiatives of the Regional Transportation Strategy for Northern Ireland 2002-2012. It sets out transport proposals for the BMA which...