Economic Strategy
Northern Ireland Economic Strategy
On 13 March 2012, on behalf of the Executive Sub-Committee on the Economy, the Enterprise Minister Arlene Foster, published the Northern Ireland Economic Strategy.
You can access the NI Economic Strategy at the link below:
Annual monitoring report on the NI Economic Strategy
On 13 October 2014, on behalf of the Executive Sub-Committee on the Economy, the Enterprise Minister Arlene Foster published the NI Economic Strategy 2nd Annual Monitoring Report.
You can access the monitoring reports at the link below:
- NI Economic Strategy - 3rd Annual Monitoring Report
- NI Economic Strategy - 2nd Annual Monitoring Report
- NI Economic Strategy - 1st Annual Monitoring Report
Comprehensive Action Plan
A Comprehensive Action Plan which sets out a more detailed list of commitments to be delivered by Departments in the immediate budget period and into the medium/longer term is attached at the link below:
Updates on progress against the Comprehensive Action Plan commitments can be downloaded from the links below:
- NI Economic Strategy Comprehensive Action Plan - Year 3 Progress against actions to 31 March 2015
- NI Economic Strategy Comprehensive Action Plan - Year 2 Progress against actions to 31 March 2014
- NI Economic Strategy Comprehensive Action Plan - Year 1 Progress against actions to 31 March 2013
Economy and Jobs Initiative
On 7 November 2012, the Executive announced a £200million Economy and Jobs Initiative to support people, business and investment.
You can access the Economy and Jobs Initiative at the link below:
Updates on progress against the Economy and Jobs Initiative actions can be downloaded at the link below:
- Economy and Jobs Initiative - update table to 31 March 2014
- Economy and Jobs Initiative - update table to 31 March 2013
Background papers
Below you will find a number of background papers relating to the development of the NI Economic Strategy:
- NI Executive - Economic Stragety Indicators/Goals
- Independent Review of Economic Policy (IREP) Mapping Study
- Implementation of Independent Review of Economic Policy
- Enterprise Minister's statement on IREP 21 March 2011
- Consultation on Priorities for Sustainable Growth and Prosperity
- Consultation on Priorities for Sustainable Growth and Prosperity - Summary Response Paper
- Northern Ireland Labour Market Update - November 2012
- Rebuilding and Rebalancing the Economy: An Evidence Base
- Summary Response to the Consultation on the Draft NI Economic Strategy
- Northern Ireland Economic Strategy - Consultation paper
- DETI Research Agenda: Lessons from Best Practice
- DETI Research Agenda: Overview of Best Practice Annexe
Contact the Economic Strategy team
If you would like to receive a hard copy of the Economic Strategy or have any questions, you can contact the Economic Strategy team using the contact details set out below:
Economic Strategy TeamRoom 124
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
Massey Avenue
Belfast BT4 2JP
Telephone: 02890 529478
Fax: 02890 529533
Textphone: 02890 529304