24850 publications
Northern Ireland environmental statistics report 2009
An annual compendium of environmental indicators for 2009 covering eight key themes: demography and public opinion, air and climate, water, marine, land, biodiversity, built heritage and waste.
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) strategy and implementation plan
The strategy aims to make policy proposals for the future development of careers education, information, advice and guidance and to set out a strategy that will address the careers education, information, advice and guidance needs...
Guide to Developing Effective Career Decision Makers
Launch of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Strategy and Implementation PlanThe DE/DEL Careers Strategy "Preparing for Success" was launched in 2009 at the DEL Careers Resource Centre, Ann Street Belfast, by both the...
Summary of consultation responses - preparing for success - CEIAG strategy
The DE/DEL Careers Strategy "Preparing for Success" was launched in 2009 at the DEL Careers Resource Centre, Ann Street Belfast, by both the Minister of Education and the Minister for Employment and Learning
Skid risk sign and plate
Traffic sign authorisation for the purpose of indicating to vehicular traffic the possibility of skidding due to loose chippings on the road ahead.
Signal sequence changed ahead sign
Traffic sign authorisation for the purpose of indicating to vehicular traffic that the signal sequence has changed at the traffic lights ahead.
Northern Ireland road and rail transport statistics July to September 2008
This quarterly bulletin presents information on vehicle registrations, vehicle and driver testing, use of public transport and deliveries of petroleum in Northern Ireland.
Schools for the future - A policy for sustainable schools
The policy sets out six criteria and associated indicators that should provide a framework for helping to consider issues of school sustainability.
Letter to herdkeepers regarding important changes to cattle identification
Letter to heardkeepers regarding important information relating to cattle identification including animals presented at an abattoir with only one tag, Valid Dam Failure (VDF) status and the use of DNA Parentage tests in APHIS Status...
Omagh town centre masterplan
The Omagh town centre masterplan is a non-statutory document intended to inform the regeneration decisions of the Department, the local Council and other key stakeholders in the town. It establishes a shared vision for the...
Rules of the Northern Ireland Civil Service Additional Voluntary Contribution Scheme - consolidated following 2015 Amendment Scheme
Summary of Scheme
Northern Ireland Partnership pension account Ill Health Benefits Scheme
Rules pertaining to the NI Partnership pension account death benefits scheme
TNC 2009/6 Flexible working scheme
This Scheme sets out the criteria and procedure to request flexible working arrangements.
TNC 2009-1 Statutory leave entitlement during maternity leave
This document explains how statutory annual leave entitlement is to apply when a teacher is absent on maternity leave, and should be read in conjunction with TNC 2008/1 Teachers’ Occupational Maternity Leave Scheme.
TNC 2009/5 Career break scheme
This document provides details of the career break scheme for teachers.
TNC 2009-4 Job share scheme for teachers
This document defines the policy which applies to job sharing arrangements for teachers, including principals and vice principals in schools.
Guidance on Midazolam in sedation
Guidance on the use of Midazolam in sedation
External financial guidance 2008
External financial guidance circulars for 2008
Letters and urgent communications 2008
Advice from the Chief Medical Officer to HSC professionals
Quarterly research review 2008
The Department monitors recently published research publications that have relevance to the work of the Department and, each quarter, produces a list of that research in a Research Review for wider dissemination. These research publications...