24749 publications
Employment Service Delivery Model, Steps to Work and Pathways to Work for Lone Parents projects
In February 2008, Deloitte MCS Ltd was commissioned by the Department for Employment and Learning to undertake a joint interim evaluation of the Employment Service Delivery Model, Steps to Work and Pathways to Work for...
Labour market profiles December 2008
The Department for Employment and Learning has produced labour market profiles for each of the Workforce Development Forums (WDFs) in Northern Ireland. A report providing an overview of labour market information for Northern Ireland has...
Strangford Lough canoe trail sign
Traffic sign authorisation for the purpose of indicating to vehicular traffic the direction to an approved canoe trail.Department for Transport (DfT) drawing no. T139
North Eastern Draft River Basin Management Plan 2008
This document provides a summary of the draft River Basin ManagementPlan for the Northern Ireland portion of the North Eastern RiverBasin District. It describes the current condition of the water environment, our objectives for improving...
North Western Draft River Basin Management Plan 2008
This document provides a summary of the draft River Basin ManagementPlan for the Northern Ireland portion of the North Western RiverBasin District. It describes the current condition of the water environment, our objectives for improving...
Destinations of leavers from higher education, Longitudinal survey of 2002/03 graduates three and a half years on, Northern Ireland analysis
This report presents Northern Ireland specific analysis on the destinations of leavers from higher education three and a half years after graduating in 2002/03.
Habitats Directive Article 6 Assessment - Neagh Bann - 2008
Habitats Directive Article 6 assessments are required under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), and are required where a plan or project may give rise to significant effects upon a Natura 2000 site.
Habitats Directive Article 6 Assessment - North Eastern - 2008
Habitats Directive Article 6 assessments are required under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), and are required where a plan or project may give rise to significant effects upon a Natura 2000 site.
Habitats Directive Article 6 Assessment - North Western - 2008
Habitats Directive Article 6 assessments are required under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), and are required where a plan or project may give rise to significant effects upon a Natura 2000 site.
Neagh Bann Draft River Basin Management Plan 2008
This document provides a summary of the draft River Basin ManagementPlan for the Northern Ireland portion of the Neagh Bann International RiverBasin District. It describes the current condition of the water environment, ourobjectives for improving...
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1251/2008
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1251/2008 implementing Council Directive 2006/88/EC as regards conditions and certification requirements for the placing on the market and the import into the Community of aquaculture animals and products thereof and laying...
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1250/2008
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1250/2008 amending Regulation (EC) No 2074/2005 as regards certification requirements for import of fishery products, live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates and marine gastropods intended for human consumption
Memoranda of Reply (MOR) - 2008
This section contains the DFP Minister's official response to PAC reports - MOR issued in 2008.
UKTAG Recommendations on Surface Water Classification Schemes for the Purposes of the Water Framework Directive - 2007
This report on the classification of surface waters is one of a series of reports by UKTAG to the UK administrations setting out UKTAG's recommendations and proposals on how waters should be classified for the...
Recommendations on Surface Water Classification Schemes for the purposes of the Water Framework Directive - 2007
This report on the classification of surface waters is one of a series of reports by UKTAG to the UK administrations setting out UKTAG's recommendations and proposals on how waters should be classified for the...
Neagh Bann Draft River Basin Management Plan - Mechanisms for Action - 2008
Mechanisms that we already have for implementing water related European Directives, are referred to as ‘basic measures’. These ‘basic measures’ comprise a comprehensive suite of obligations under eleven key European Directives. We already use these...
North Eastern Draft River Basin Management Plan - Mechanisms for Action - 2008
Mechanisms that we already have for implementing water related European Directives, are referred to as ‘basic measures’. These ‘basic measures’ comprise a comprehensive suite of obligations under eleven key European Directives. We already use these...
North Western Draft River Basin Management Plan - Mechanisms for Action - 2008
Mechanisms that we already have for implementing water related European Directives, are referred to as ‘basic measures’. These ‘basic measures’ comprise a comprehensive suite of obligations under eleven key European Directives. We already use these...
Working Together - Managing our Shared Waters - 2008
This document forms part of the draft River Basin Management Plan for the Neagh Bann International River Basin District. This draft plan has been issued for public consultation in accordance with the requirements of the...
Working Together - Managing Our Shared Waters - 2008
This document forms part of the draft River Basin Management Plan for the North Western International River Basin District. This draft plan has been issued for public consultation in accordance with the requirements of the...