24850 publications
Exception reporting data 2008/09
This bulletin and tables present quality and outcomes framework (QOF) exception reporting data.
Report of the STEM review
The report of the STEM review considers the education system in the context of a STEM artery and identifies the constraints and losses at each stage in the artery.
Pilot mandatory 20mph speed limits without traffic calming measures DEM 120/09
DfI Roads memorandum providing advice on the selection of mandatory 20mph zone sites for inclusion in a pilot study.
Housing Benefit memos 2009
HB memos contain further guidance on the interpretation of legislation to Housing Benefit and should be read in conjunction with the Housing Benefit Decision Makers Guide.
Northern Ireland transport statistics 2008-2009
This publication brings together a variety of useful transport information published by a number of different sources. It includes information on vehicle registrations, driver and vehicle testing, road network, road freight, road safety, public transport...
Independent Review of Economic Policy
The Independent Review of Economic Policy (IREP) was commissioned by the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Arlene Foster MLA, in December 2008. The Review reflects her desire to achieve the Executive’s priorities for the...
Travel Survey for Northern Ireland (TSNI) technical report 2006-2008
The TSNI collects information on how and why people travel within Northern Ireland. The technical report is produced annually and contains information on survey methodology as well as the survey questionnaire.
Travel Survey for Northern Ireland (TSNI) in-depth report 2006-2008
The TSNI collects information on how and why people travel within Northern Ireland. Three years of data need to be combined to ensure the analysis carried out is robust. The in-depth report is produced annually...
Section 3a - Appendix 9 (Environmental Assessment Guide)
Building handbook Section 3a - Primary schools - Appendix 9 (Environmental Assessment Guide)
Belfast city centre – Westside regeneration masterplan
The Belfast city centre – Westside regeneration masterplan constitutes proposed supplementary guidance to the Department’s Regeneration Policy Statement for Belfast city centre. It sets out further guidance on the proposed range, mix and location of...
Safer Cattle Handling - understanding behaviour to minimise risk of injury
Press article issued on 19 September 2009 highlighting safer cattle handling and understanding the behaviour to minimise risk of injury.
Geotechnical certification procedure RSPPG E008
DfI Roads policy and procedures guide for the implementation of the procedures in HD 22/08 Managing Geotechnical Risk and in addition guidance on Roads Service procured contractor design projects; including Design and Build and DBFO...
Public perceptions on climate change in Northern Ireland 2009
The Department of the Environment ran a module on public perceptions to climate change in the January 2009 Northern Ireland Omnibus survey. This report summarises people's attitudes towards climate change in Northern Ireland.
A6 Randalstown to Toome - Departmental statement
Having considered the Inspector's report and all other representations made, the Department concurred with the Inspector's recommendation that it should proceed with the proposed Randalstown to Toome dualling scheme.
A6 Toome to Castledawson - Departmental statement
Having considered the Inspector's Report and all other representations made, the Department concurred with the Inspector's recommendation that it should proceed with the proposed Randalstown to Toome dualling scheme.
Outcome indicators for looked after children 2002 to 2008
Information contained in this publication relates to children who have been in care continuously for 12 months or more.
NICS guidance on gifts and hospitality
Guidance on offers and the acceptance of gifts and hospitality.
Dear Accounting Officer letters (DAOs) 2006
This page lists current DAOs issued by DFP in 2006 . The letters are listed in reverse chronological order.
Declaration pursuant to Article 7 concerning the temporary provision of services
Declaration pursuant to Article 7 concerning the temporary provision of services - Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications.
Circular 2009/13 - Teachers' Pay and Allowances from 1 September 2009
Teacher's salary rates from 1 September 2009