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24386 publications

The Sub-Regional Transport Plan deals with the transport needs of the whole of Northern Ireland with the exception of the Belfast Metropolitan Area and the rail and trunk road networks which are covered in earlier transport plans.

Published 29 June 2007Corporate reportsDepartment for Infrastructure

Memorandum implementing revised guidance regarding the design and specification of concrete to meet the enhanced durability requirements for highway structures.

Published 29 June 2007Policy papersDepartment for Infrastructure

This quarterly bulletin presents information on vehicle registrations, vehicle and driver testing, use of public transport and deliveries of petroleum in Northern Ireland.

Published 28 June 2007Statistical reportsDepartment for Infrastructure

The Housing Benefit Decision Makers Guide is a number of reference volumes for Decision Makers on the interpretation of Housing Benefit Legislation

Published 28 June 2007Policy papersDepartment for Communities

The purpose of this statistical bulletin is to provide analysis of the latest annual collections relating to teacher numbers, teacher vacancies and Pupil : Teacher ratios in grant-aided schools in 2006/07.

Published 21 June 2007Statistical reportsDepartment of Education

This monitoring report focuses on key achievements in the Regional Transport Strategy during the period 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2007.

Published 18 June 2007Corporate reportsDepartment for Infrastructure

Results from the NI Omnibus Survey into Attitudes to Migrant Workers - January 2007.

Published 18 June 2007Research and analysisDepartment for the Economy

You are invited to give your views on the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive in the Neagh-Bann International. This booklet says what the Directive requires us to do and how we are working together to implement it on the island of Ireland.

Published 18 June 2007Guidance literatureDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

You are invited to give your views on the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive in the North Eastern River Basin District.

Published 18 June 2007Guidance literatureDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

You are invited to give your views on the implementation of Framework Directive in the North Western International River Basin District.

Published 18 June 2007Guidance literatureDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

This circular contains benchmarking data for 2005/2006 to assist post-primary schools in setting targets for end of key stage assessment and public examination results.

Published 14 June 2007CircularsDepartment of Education

Acoustic design of schools - note to designers

Published 14 June 2007Guidance literatureDepartment of Education

Schedule of accommodation and notes for designers.

Published 14 June 2007Guidance literatureDepartment of Education

The consultation document An Oral Health Strategy for Northern Ireland was launched in September 2004 with the consultation concluding in December 2004.

Published 07 June 2007Policy papersDepartment of Health

If policy outcomes and public services are to be improved, it is crucial that policy decisions should be based on sound evidence.

Published 05 June 2007Policy papersThe Executive Office

In Workbook One we looked at the importance of consultation and the need to develop a consultation plan at the outset of the policy process. It highlighted that consultation should be a continuous process that needs to be started early in the policy.


Published 05 June 2007Policy papersThe Executive Office

This workbook aims to work you through the process of developing options, appraising those options and identifying the way forward. This stage of the policy process must take account of the evidence base and the objectives identified for the policy.

Published 05 June 2007Policy papersThe Executive Office

Policy making is the process by which the administration translates its vision into actions to achieve desired outcomes. Good policy making is therefore essential if government is to achieve its aims and deliver real change and benefits.

Published 04 June 2007Policy papersThe Executive Office

Consultation on new nutritional standards for school meals and other food in schools - Analysis of responses

Published 04 June 2007Consultation reportsDepartment of Education

This page contains information and a report on innovation in NI tradable service firms. The report represents the first detailed examination of service sector innovation in Northern Ireland.

Published 01 June 2007Research and analysisDepartment for the Economy

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