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Managing high yielding cows to meet their energy intake and protein requirements in early lactation to maintain production and fertility.

Published 25 September 2007Guidance literatureDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

This bulletin and tables present quality and outcomes framework (QOF) exception reporting data.

Published 19 September 2007Statistical reportsDepartment of Health

This purpose of this statistical bulletin is to provide details of participation by 16 and 17 year olds in full-time education and vocational training in Northern Ireland (NI) for 2006/07.

Published 18 September 2007Statistical reportsDepartment of Education

Council regulation (EC) No 1100/2007 establishing measures for the recovery of the stock of European eel.

Published 18 September 2007Legislation and regulationsDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

Two day exhibitions were held on:

  • 17 and 18 September 2007 in The YMCA, 51 Glenshane Road, Drumahoe
  • 19 and 20 September 2007 in The Sports Pavilion, 3 Chapel Road Dungiven

Published 17 September 2007Impact assessmentsDepartment for Infrastructure

The purpose of this memorandum is to advise all permanent non-industrial staff in the Department for Regional Development of the introduction of a Departmental teleworking Scheme, and to offer staff the opportunity to apply for participation on the scheme which will commence i

Published 14 September 2007Guidance literatureDepartment for Infrastructure

The 2007 NI Seat Belt Survey reports on the level of seat belt wearing in Northern Ireland with the majority of this report concentrating on seatbelt wearing rates in cars only.

Published 14 September 2007Statistical reportsDepartment for Infrastructure

In support of the School food: top marks programme the Public Health Agency has published School food: the essential guide which contains a series of practical guidance booklets designed to help schools improve pupils’ nutrition and implement healthier eating and drinkin

Published 03 September 2007Guidance literatureDepartment of Education

In support of the School food: top marks programme the Public Health Agency has published School food: the essential guide which contains a series of practical guidance booklets designed to help schools improve pupils’ nutrition and implement healthier eating and drinkin

Published 03 September 2007Guidance literatureDepartment of Education

A number of suggestions and strategies are offered throughout this booklet – both general and specific to particular stages – to help children and students with dyslexia. The strategies fall into three main categories:

Published 03 September 2007Guidance literatureDepartment of Education

A leaflet for parents of primary school children has been produced by the Public Health Agency . It contains practical tips for parents, carers and children on how to pack an appetising, healthy lunchbox. You can view the leaflet here:

Published 03 September 2007Guidance literatureDepartment of Education

The following issues are dealt with in this letter:-

Published 31 August 2007Guidance literatureDepartment for the Economy

Published reports relating to the Bamford review of mental health and learning disability.

Published 31 August 2007Corporate reportsDepartment of Health

The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment is required to prepare an annual general report under Article 372 of the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 on matters within the Insolvency Order.

Published 28 August 2007Corporate reportsDepartment for the Economy

Traffic sign authorisation for the purpose of indicating to vehicular traffic the presence of an experimental road marking trial.

Published 28 August 2007Policy papersDepartment for Infrastructure

Traffic sign authorisation for the purpose of indicating to road traffic the direction along Saint Patrick’s trail and places of interest associated with it.

Published 28 August 2007Policy papersDepartment for Infrastructure

Letters and advice on the regulation of medicines issued 2007

Published 23 August 2007Guidance literatureDepartment of Health

The footbath is one of the most important tools on your farm in terms of controlling infectious diseases, such as digital dermatitis. 

Published 15 August 2007Guidance literatureDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

Core syllabus for Religious Education

Published 01 August 2007Guidance literatureDepartment of Education

The Minimum Content Order specifies the Minimum Content for each Area of Learning of the curriculum at each key stage. 

Published 01 August 2007Legislation and regulationsDepartment of Education

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