NICE guidance is designed and developed for the NHS in England and is therefore not automatically applicable to Northern Ireland.
Following the Minister’s announcement on 04 November 2015, of his intention to reform the administrative structures for Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland, the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) is...
This consultation paper is seeking views on the recommendation that Lisburn courthouse should be closed and the business transferred to Laganside Courts. It is therefore a short targeted consultation and will last for 4 weeks...
This consultation, which is led by the Department of Health, England (DH), seeks views on the revised Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications (MRPQ) Directive which has brought in a number of changes that aim to...
Consultation on guidance for local government for performance improvement for 2016 onwards designed to assist councils to gather information to assess improvements in their services and to report annually on their performance against indicators which...
NICE guidance is designed and developed for the NHS in England and is therefore not automatically applicable to Northern Ireland. On 1 July 2006 the Department established links with NICE whereby all technology appraisals and...
The Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs' (DAERA) predecessor The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) reviewed the fees charged for membership of the Northern Ireland Poultry Health Assurance Scheme (NIPHAS) in 2016...
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) has launched a consultation on The Zoonoses (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016 to seek views from stakeholders.
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) is reviewing the fees charged for membership of the Scrapie Monitored Flocks Scheme (SMFS) with a view to an uplift in 2016. This will involve the introduction...
The Minister of the Environment recently announced his intention to reopen the debate on the creation of an independent environment agency for Northern Ireland. The Department has published a discussion document on potential options for...
The purpose of this consultation exercise is to publicly seek views and feedback on how the sub regional stadia programme can best be taken forward.
Consultation on the proposals to amend the Public Service Vehicles Regulation (Northern Ireland) 1985 which aim to introduce new duties for bus drivers with regards to passengers with disabilities.
The purpose of the discussion paper is to encourage recipients to express their views on the appropriateness of Northern Ireland climate change legislation and its proposed contents with a view to rebuilding the momentum for...
This is a consultation on an Alternative Method for Funding Money Damages Claims. In September 2010 the Minister of Justice announced a review which examined how people could best be helped to secure access to...
Consultation on proposals to amend the plastic and glass business recycling targets in the Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007
The aim of the masterplan is to set out a vision for the future development of Banbridge. It is an evidence based plan that sets out the strategic vision for Banbridge over the next 15...