NICE guidance is designed and developed for the NHS in England and is therefore not automatically applicable to Northern Ireland. On 1 July 2006 the Department established links with NICE whereby all technology appraisals and...
NICE guidance is designed and developed for the NHS in England and is therefore not automatically applicable to Northern Ireland.
From time to time certain Felling Licence requests will be put out to public consultation, to allow people to be aware of felling proposals.
The Department is seeking your views on proposals to improve the current scheme relating to costs protection in those environmental cases governed by the Costs Protection (Aarhus Convention) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2013. Please note this...
Consultation on the Strategy for Culture & Arts 2016-2026
Following the Minister’s Assembly Statement on 3rd September 2015, the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) ran a public consultation to seek the views of stakeholders about the key issues related to...
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) has launched a consultation on proposals for a successor to its Tackling Rural Poverty and Social Isolation (TRPSI) Framework 2011-15.
Under Schedule 9 paragraph 8 (3) of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, DFP is committed to carrying out a five-year review of our Equality Scheme. Strategic Equality Branch in DFP has updated the Scheme to...
The Department’s Private Rented Branch has published a Discussion Document on the Review of the Role and Regulation of the Private Rented Sector. The aim of the review is to consider the current and potential...
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is proposing to make the internet the primary way we communicate and do business with our customers. We are seeking your views on the proposal, which is set...
In April 2015 the Department of Education invited comments from interested parties on its proposals in relation to the future of the Youth Council.
The consultation document seeks views on the proposals but is particularly interested to receive views on specific aspects of the proposals.