Proposals to introduce a suite of fixed penalties for offences related to the current taxi driver licensing regime and the forthcoming regulations governing taxi licensing, taximeters and the maximum fare.
The Teachers' Superannuation (Additional Voluntary Contributions) Regulations (NI) 1996 make arrangements to allow members of the NI Teachers’ Pension Scheme (NITPS) to make additional pension savings in a defined contribution pension scheme that sits alongside...
This consultation sets out DETI's proposals for expanding the RHI scheme to include new technologies and to cover the domestic sector.
This consultation asks for views on DETI's proposals for implementing the electricity and gas metering and billing provisions of the EED.
This draft policy has been updated to reflect changes in structures and legislation. The draft policy outlines how communities, organisations and individuals must work to ensure children and young people in Northern Ireland are safeguarded...
The Department has published a consultation paper seeking stakeholders views on a proposed amendment to the Electricity (Single Wholesale Market) (Northern Ireland) Order 2007.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) is publishing a consultation exercise on its Equality Assessment and Regulatory Impact Assessment on proposals for draft legislation on Financial Penalties, Collection and Enforcement.
The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment has launched a consultation document on a Draft Telecommunications Strategy – ‘Continuing to Connect’ for the period 2015-2017.
From 1 May to 12 June 2015 the Department of Justice conducted a review of the forfeiture and set-off provisions in the Judicial Pensions Scheme Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015
Report by the Entertainment Licensing Review Group
NICE guidance is designed and developed for the NHS in England and is therefore not automatically applicable to Northern Ireland. On 1st July 2006, DHSSPS established links with NICE whereby all technology appraisals and clinical...
Proposals on amendments to the Northern Ireland Environment Agency Financial Provision Policy.
The Department of the Environment has issued the above named consultation as part of a UK-wide consultation. The consultation seeks views on proposals to amend Producer Responsibility regimes to reduce burdens to business following the...
The Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure consulted on a draft revised policy and guidance framework for the Community Festivals Fund.
DfI Roads has developed proposals to provide a grade-separated junction at York Street that would provide direct links between Westlink and the M2 and M3 motorways and greatly improve access between these roads. The Westlink...
This consultation is intended to seek views on a potential change of grading from the current alphabetic grades A* to G, to numeric grades 9 to 1 for GCSE specifications produced by the Council for...
Consultation on Transition from the Northern Ireland Renewables Obligation to Contracts for Difference and Grace Periods The consultation response was published on 20 August 2015.