NICE guidance is designed and developed for the NHS in England and is therefore not automatically applicable to Northern Ireland. On 1st July 2006, DHSSPS established links with NICE whereby all technology appraisals and clinical...
The Department is reviewing its Disability Action Plan 2014 – 2017 and is carrying out a public consultation to help inform and improve it.
This is a joint consultation exercise by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) and the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland.
NICE guidance is designed and developed for the NHS in England and is therefore not automatically applicable to Northern Ireland. Guidance is locally reviewed for applicability to Northern Ireland and, where appropriate, is endorsed for...
A bilingual (English | Irish) consultation document on proposals for an Irish Language Bill.
NICE guidance is designed and developed for the NHS in England and is therefore not automatically applicable to Northern Ireland. On 1st July 2005 DHSSPS established links with NICE whereby all technology appraisals and clinical...
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) in conjunction with the Department of Justice (DOJ), is seeking your views on the Interim Report of the Review of the Implementation of the Welfare of Animals...
On 8th April 2014 former Health Minister, Edwin Poots, announced his intention to commission former Chief Medical Officer of England, Professor Sir Liam Donaldson, to advise on the improvement of governance arrangements across the HSC...
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD), in conjunction with the Department of Justice,is seeking your views on the Interim Report of the Review of the Implementation of the Welfare of Animals Act (NI)...
The Health Minister commissioned this evaluation in response to concerns that the Individual Funding Request process was not meeting its objective of providing access to unapproved specialist drugs where there is an agreed clinical need...
Proposals relating to the technical competence element of the Fit and Proper Person test only